Soulja Boy, the renowned rapper whose financial struggles seem far from abating, is facing the daunting task of fulfilling his monetary legal obligations despite grappling with a staggering $1 million tax debt. The road ahead remains arduous for the artist, as he was recently held liable for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Kayla Myers, back in 2019.
Under the scrutiny of the Los Angeles Superior Court, Soulja Boy, whose real name is DeAndre Cortez Way, found himself embroiled in a legal battle with Myers, who accused him of assaulting her with a gun. After a grueling legal process, she was eventually awarded a substantial sum of $472,000, half of which was designated as punitive damages. These punitive damages have proved to be a contentious point for the rapper, as he has sought to avoid their payment.
According to Radar Online report that Myers firmly objected to Soulja Boy's proposal, instead suggesting that he liquidate his assets to meet his financial obligations. Surprisingly, the judge sided with her, highlighting that the "Crank Dat" rapper possesses the means to generate enough income to satisfy his debt.
While the court acknowledged that he may not have the privilege of selecting his ideal gigs or headlining shows, they firmly believed that he was still capable of performing and earning money. .“While it is not clear that defendant could just snap his fingers and book as many shows as he would like, neither is it clear that he cannot work at all,” the judge said. “It might not be the work he wants (and he might not be headlining), but the court has no reason to believe that he cannot perform at all.”
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Addressing Soulja Boy's claims of financial hardship, the judge made a compelling observation, advising him to reconsider his extravagant living arrangements. With a staggering $25,000 monthly rent, the court encouraged the rapper to explore more modest accommodations, suggesting a $10,000 per month option. Despite his financial predicament, the court reasoned that if he could afford such substantial rent, he must have other sources of income to maintain his lifestyle without incurring further debts.
In a bid to defend his financial situation, Soulja Boy admitted that his assets were indeed limited. Among his possessions were three cars, two of which were valued at an impressive $250,000 each, and another worth $100,000. Additionally, he possessed approximately $18,000 worth of jewelry and $50,000 worth of stock. Soulja Boy's attorney argued that these assets were essential tools for his trade as an entertainer and instrumental in maintaining his image, rendering them unsuitable for liquidation.
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However, even if the rapper were to liquidate all his assets, it would still fall short of the $476,000 owed to Myers. Faced with this daunting reality, Soulja Boy petitioned the court to consider waiving the punitive damages awarded to his ex-girlfriend. Alternatively, he sought a retrial, hoping for a different outcome.
In an unfortunate twist of events, Soulja Boy's legal troubles are not limited to this case. In 2020, he faced a lawsuit for assault, battery, and false imprisonment, with allegations of the incident occurring at his Malibu residence and lasting an agonizing six hours. Despite avoiding criminal charges for the assault, law enforcement discovered weapons in his home, leading to a violation of his probation terms. The rapper vehemently denied any wrongdoing, instead placing blame on a third party for Myers' injuries.
As the legal proceedings unfolded, the jury sided with Myers, further straining Soulja Boy's financial situation. An additional payment of $235,000 was ordered, adding to his mounting woes.