Dr. Umar Asks Kendrick Lamar to Clarify Intentions Toward Canadian Africans in 'Not Like Us' Diss Track

Dr. Umar Challenges Kendrick Lamar on 'Not Like Us' and Canadian African Remarks

Dr. Umar Asks Kendrick Lamar to Clarify "Not Like Us" Lyrics Regarding Black Canadians

Dr. Umar recently delved into the implications of Kendrick Lamar's controversial diss track, "Not Like Us," in a video shared on social media. 

His discussion brought up the concept of Pan-Africanism and whether Lamar's lyrics were meant to disparage Black Canadians. 

While Dr. Umar acknowledged that Lamar's primary target seemed to be Drake, he called for the rapper to clarify his intentions to avoid any misunderstandings.

Dr. Umar began:

"Let me say this to the American African and the Canadian African: We are one people, We are one family. We have one common ancestry. We have one common origin. We have one common source. We are the original people. My American Africans, don’t you alienate yourself from Canadian Africans. Canadian Africans, don’t you alienate yourself from American Africans. We are one family. We are the North American Africans."

Dr. Umar Seeks Clarity from Kendrick Lamar on 'Not Like Us' Lyrics:

He emphasized that anyone who promotes division is an "enemy" to the African community. Despite his belief that Lamar did not intend to create such division, Dr. Umar still sought clarity on the matter from the Compton artist.

Dr. Umar's remarks sparked a debate among fans, many of whom felt that his interpretation of Lamar's lyrics was misguided. 

They argued that the lyrics were more likely a direct jab at Drake rather than a commentary on Black Canadians.

In his video, Dr. Umar reiterated the importance of unity among African descendants in North America. 

He stressed that any perceived differences between American and Canadian Africans should be set aside in favor of solidarity. "We have to remember our shared history and struggles," he said. "Dividing ourselves only weakens our collective power."

Dr. Umar's call for Kendrick Lamar to clarify his message is rooted in a broader concern about the impact of influential artists on their communities. 

He believes that as a prominent figure in hip-hop, Lamar has a responsibility to ensure his lyrics do not unintentionally foster division.

Meanwhile, fans took to social media to express their views. Some defended Lamar, insisting that his track was a personal diss aimed at Drake and not a broader statement about Black Canadians.

The ongoing discussion highlights the power of music and lyrics to influence and shape public perception. 

It also underscores the need for artists to be mindful of their words and the potential impact on their audience. As the debate continues, many are waiting to see if Kendrick Lamar will respond to Dr. Umar's request for clarification.
