Eminem's Daughter Hailie Gets Emotional Over 'Temporary' & 'Somebody Save Me'

Hailie Jade's Emotional Response to Eminem's 'Temporary' and 'Somebody Save Me'

Hailie Jade Opens Up About Eminem's Emotional Tracks

Eminem's recent tracks “Temporary” and “Somebody Save Me” have resonated deeply, not just with his fans but also with his daughter, Hailie Jade. 

In the latest episode of her podcast, "Just a Little Shady", the 28-year-old opened up about her emotional responses to these poignant songs, which are featured on her father's album, "Death of Slim Shady".

Hailie highlighted her reaction to the emotionally charged music video for “Somebody Save Me,” revealing that it brought her to tears. She expressed that she refuses to watch it again due to its overwhelming emotional weight. 

“I watched it in entirety and I don’t think I can do it again. I definitely cry everytime I hear it at all, Between that and ‘Temporary’ … I mean, I can’t. I audibly sobbed I think for both songs, but especially ‘Temporary.’"

Hailie Jade Reflects on the Emotional Impact of Eminem's New Songs:


Reflecting on her parents' efforts while growing up, Hailie noted how oblivious she was to the struggles that surrounded her. 

“Watching the [‘Somebody Save Me’] video back and listening to the songs, I feel like my parents did such a good job growing up where I didn’t realize how bad things were. But now, as an adult in hindsight, it’s so scary to think about.”

She said, fighting back tears at the thought of potentially losing her father to addiction. 

In the podcast, she emphasized the pain that accompanies losing a loved one to addiction, saying: 

“I think that’s why I get emotional so much just thinking that that could have happened. And obviously that’s the point of the song. But I will say, if you’ve ever lost an addict or loved one, I feel for you.”

Hailie also lightened the mood by recalling fond memories of watching her family’s early footage in the “Somebody Save Me” video, despite the serious themes it portrays. 

However, she admitted that listening to Eminem’s classic track “Mockingbird” has become increasingly difficult with age. 

“The older I get, the less I can listen to any of the songs. I’ve done enough crying and I told myself I refuse.”

The newly released video for “Somebody Save Me” poignantly showcases Eminem reflecting on his past regrets as a parent. 

It features him watching old family videos and confronting his struggles with addiction, encapsulating a raw and heartfelt narrative that touches listeners deeply. 

This level of vulnerability continues to solidify Eminem's place in the rap game while connecting with fans on a profound emotional level.
